Friday, May 18, 2012

Beef Burger and vegetable spread


* 1 lbs ground beef
* 1/2 tsp paprika
* 1/2 tsp cumin
* 1/2 tsp pepper
* 1 tsp salt

Vegetables Spread

* 10 mix seedless olive
* 1 tablespoon vegetables spread ( you can find in European store  or made with roasted red bell pepper, egg plants & hot pepper )
* 2-3 table olive oil

* 1 long Italian Bread
* slices onion


- in a bowl, mix ground beef, paprika, cumin, pepper and salt. combine all the ingredients. let beef marinated for 10 minutes, keep in the freeze before grill
- shaped the burger and flat it out to 7-8 small burgers
- Cook the burger in a grill pan with oil
- Preparing Vegetables spread. chopped mix olives very fine. then mix with vegetable spread and olive oil.

- Preparing sandwiches, Cut bread in a half, spread the vegetables spread over the bread
- Place the mini burgers, add slices onion. then extra vegetables spread over the burger again.
- Fore extra crispy, grill the bread in the pan for both side in a couple minutes
- Serve with french fries

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