Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ayam goreng Serundeng - fried chicken and shredded coconut

Ingredients A:
* 1 whole chicken - cut into 10-12 pcs
* 150 ml coconut milk
* 150 ml water
* 100 gr dried coconut shredded
* 2 bay leaves
* 2 lemon grass
* 1 tablespoon tamarind

Paste ingredients B:
* 5 shallots
* 4 gloves garlic
* 3 cm ginger
* 4 candle nuts
* 1 tablespoon coriander seeds
* 1 1/2 tsp salt
* 1 tsp pepper

1. Put all ingredients A and paste ingredients B in a pot, except coconut shredded. Marinated for 10 minutes before boil.
2. cook the chicken until soft and tender for 30 minutes. stir the chicken occasionally and cover
3. Add dried shredded coconut and continuous to cook for 10 minutes. remove chicken and coconut from the pot
4. fried chicken with coconut shredded until golden brown and crispy
5. serve chicken with fried coconut over the chicken for garnish and eat

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