Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tagine Beef w/ Fava bean


* 1 lb beef w/bone 
* 1 can fava bean
* 1onion
* 3 glove garlic
* 2 tsp parsley and cilantro
* 1 tsp paprika
* 1 tsp salt 
* 1/2 ginger powder
* pitch saffron
* 1/2 tsp turmeric
* 1/4 tsp pepper
* 1 bowl water


- chopped onion and garlic 
- cook meat in the pressure cooker or pot. combine chopped onion & garlic,  parsley, cilantro, paprika, salt, ginger powder, saffron, turmeric, pepper & water. Cook until mean tender for about 1 hour.
-10 minutes before cook , add the wedges perserved lemon and let cook for another 5 minutes then add fava bean. if the sauce thicks add  another a cup water.
- Take the wedges perserved lemon out for garnish the tagine

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